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♥ Friday, December 19, 2008
10:07 AM

It's funny how much you long for something, and when it's just peeking around the corner, suddenly you want it to turn the other way.

or just delay its arrival.

I miss home. I really do. Sometimes it's a dull ache that never ceases to be there. But it's these ten weeks that really taught me to grow emotionally. Not to mention physically as well. Sigh. The english weather makes you hungrier.

Anyways. I'm sitting in my room now contemplating how these past weeks have been so significant. It's quite strange to be stuck in two different worlds and watching them collide. There have been times that I feel like I'm outside looking in at myself and my interactions with people around me. It always amazes me; this capacity of humans to adapt.

Now that I'm leaving for Singapore, I feel a sense of nostalgia. Which is really once again, strange, because I thought I wouldn't miss anything here given how excited I was about going home. Man, I miss my piano. =(

And Bagel. I can't wait to see him.

This sounds stupid. But at least I get to talk to my parents and Manda over Skype. I've tried talking to Bagel over Skype, and learnt that dogs do not believe in technology.

Okay. It's off to read about Thursday Next and her exploits now.

♥ Monday, November 17, 2008
11:02 AM

When the wind blows
Is it angel wings fluttering above
Is every sunrise
A new piece of work you hang up

I want to step over the edge
Because I know you'll catch me when I fall

You're the sun when it rains
You're my ground when the earth shakes
You're the sleeve that I wipe my tears on
You're the hand on my shoulder
You're the strength when my will breaks
I can do anything
Because I know that you love me.

Dip my hands in the rainbow
Teach me how to paint the sky
All the songs that I write
Let me write for you everytime

Because I know that you love me.

♥ Friday, November 14, 2008
1:13 PM

I just went clubbing at Gallery and it's 5.13 am in the morning AND I have a practical at 9.15am! =( I'm so tempted not to go for the practical tomorrow, because I'm going to be completely stoned.

My brain is slightly muddled now, and I'm typing this in JY's room as I'm waiting for him to get back. I seriously hope he's not going to do work because I need to sleep like big time. -.- Nuts. I should've gone back to Fairfax.Now I have to wait for him to come back 'coz i need to open the door for him.

And I'm typing all this to keep myself awake.

Sigh. Never going clubbing on Thursday nights again.

♥ Wednesday, November 05, 2008
8:12 AM

Hello everyone! I am now at York. Once again, it is high time for me to start penning down my thoughts here so that people who care about me will (hopefully) read this and know how I'm doing. x)

It's been a month since I've set foot on British soil. I have to say it's been quite interesting so far. I've always found it slightly strange that I am the most pensive when I'm taking showers. So anyways. When I was taking my shower just now, I was just struck by how far God has taken me. It's amazing to think that just a year ago I was at VJC, just starting holidays and bumming around wondering what the future held.

It's funny now how I ended up here.

But then again, it's funny how things change so much they come around and smack you really hard. And then you start wondering about how things would have been if you hadn't spoilt it all. Well. 'I' to be more exact. I'm trying to get over it. I really am. But it's the hardest when you're most alone and you just want Someone to be there.

Okay. Enough reminiscing.

Classes started two weeks ago and I honestly expected less work than JC. Unfortunately, this is not happening and I presently find myself swamped with readings and assignments that I am not doing. (WHY CAN'T I SIT DOWN AND DO IT???) The weather is getting absolutely disgusting. You would think there would be a positive correlation with how sunny the day is and how warm it is. But noooo. It's freezing. And wind chill is close to 0 degrees on certain days! 0.0 I will not complain about Singapore weather ever again.

Besides those things, I'm actually doing pretty well. =) I've got good friends and I'm having fun. To set the record straight (because I have been accused), I have NOT been getting drunk and attending wild parties all the time. It just so happens that the pictures taken of me all took place in clubs. Because I don't have a camera.

Oh well. It's back to Piaget's theory of Human cognitive development now. Ciao!

♥ Wednesday, September 03, 2008
6:35 PM

OH. MY. GOSH. My last blog post was in December 2007. LOl. That has been a total of 9 months of not blogging.

Anyways. I decided to kick start this blog again because in one month and one day's time, I'm going to be in the United Kingdom embarking on the next phase of life.

0.0 scary.

Haha. Yes, it's University of York reading Psychology for me now. I think I'm going to wake up feeling slightly depressed tomorrow because it's officially a month away from the date I fly. (Those who can't figure it out, I'm flying on the 4th of October).

Okay, I shall stop thinking about flying now. Thoughts of going away from home + dreary Wuthering Heights-kind-of-weather = SADNESS. That's not to say, though, that I'm not excited. It's just that three years is quite a long time away from home.

Apart from that, everything's been going pretty well. I mean, my daily schedule cannot get anymore slack and mundane. Here's what it looks like if I don't step out of the house(which I haven't been doing for the past 3 days, thanks to stupid gastric pains/cramps):

0930 - wake up and eat breakfast
1000 - walk bagel (before that record Grey's Anatomy on Starworld)
1030 - clean him, blow him dry with the hairdryer and comb his fur, intermittently scolding him for running around.
1100 - watch Grey's Anatomy
1200 - lunch and ANTM
1300 - mooch around feeling bored and play the piano
1400 - sleep (I know. I'm such a pig)
1600 - mooch around somemore and read
1800 - go run if weather permits, if not it's time to vegetate in front of the tv again
1900 - dinner and family time
2000 - mooch around and try to talk to Manda who is always on her laptop
2200 - Laptop and recording time.
0100 - sleep.

-.- I need to get out.

♥ Tuesday, December 11, 2007
2:44 PM

yes. a new post. after i adamantly refused to blog.
but then again. i also refused to get facebook.
until bimin refused to send me our prom pictures.
oh well. i am decidedly stuffed now. in the nose that is. i've completely forgotten how painful falling ill is. now my head just hurts from blowing my nose too much and. i sound like a man. not sexy. but i suppose it's my fault. for staying out til 3 am and downing shaker fries with bim and elly. -hack-

so as i sit here on my couch in my painful stupor, trying to follow the latest CSI episode about some rich old lady dying in her apartment, i am typing this entry. life these days has (have? urgh. my grammar's hurting as much as my head) been a complete blur.

so we move from one blur to another.

i really need to get out of the house.
ben. do not act like a pig just flew past your window when you see my new post.

♥ Monday, July 02, 2007
12:03 AM

exams are over. it was a gruelling 4 days i'll give you that. gruelling and tiring. well. this is just another epoch (if you would allow me to say so) in the very short road that leads to you-know-what. saying A levels gives me the creeps.
anyways. God is good. leaving me and forsaking me definitely wasn't an option during this period i hafta say. i was a bit of a mess. haha. kudos to mel for bringing a VERY timely word (just before the econs exam at 7.30 in the morning) from God to STAND FIRM. 2 Chronicles chapter 20 says it all. God really is good. while i'm not exactly extremely optimistic about my exam results, i think i have managed to arrive at a stage whereby leaning and trusting God is paramount, and all other things come second. so yes. i will just trust Him for the best.

And to you: thanks for sticking by me through that period even though my constant whining and crying was probably very unsettling. haha. thanks for the sunflower and the constant calls, which really did help by the way. =)

Today's shopping expedition is decidedly (is there such a word) successful. a good harvest. =) i've never bought 3 pairs of shoes all in one day. yay. and it's NOT, i reiterate, NOT profligate spending. i was in need of those for a REALLY long time.

oh well. am tired. going to bed now.

I see trees of green
Red roses too.
I see them bloom for me and you
And I think to myself
What a wonderful world

I see skies of blue and clouds of white
The bright blessed day the dark sacred night
And I think to myself
What a wonderful world

The colors of the rainbow so pretty in the sky
Are also on the faces of people passing by
I see friends shaking hands saying how do you do
What they're really saying is I love you

I hear babies cry I watch them grow
They'll learn much more than I'll ever know
And I think to myself what a wonderful world
And I think to myself what a wonderful world

- Listen to the Eva Cassidy version. =)